I am a hunter and I need a blood tracker! How do I find one?

Use the “Find a Tracker” feature: https://www.unitedbloodtrackers.org/find-a-tracker/.

Can a UBT member track my lost pet?

Most of our members just track wounded game, but a small amount might track lost pets. We do not keep a database of who tracks lost pets, so please use our Find-a-Tracker page to contact trackers near you and ask them directly if they will do it, or if they know someone locally who will: https://www.unitedbloodtrackers.org/find-a-tracker/

How do I arrange to take a UBT test with my dog?

To take a UBT test, you can attend a tracking event that features UBT testing. Check out our Upcoming Events page for more information: https://www.unitedbloodtrackers.org/upcoming-events/

Alternatively, you can contact a judge near you and arrange a test with them: https://www.unitedbloodtrackers.org/who-we-are/judges/.

How can I become listed on the Find a Tracker map?

Join UBT! A Find a Tracker profile is a benefit of membership.

How do I join UBT?

You can join through our website: https://www.unitedbloodtrackers.org/…/membershiplevels/

I’m looking for someone to train a blood tracking dog for me, can you suggest someone?

We do not offer specific trainer referrals as an organization. We suggest you contact members close to you (https://www.unitedbloodtrackers.org/find-a-tracker/) and see if they offer those services or know someone who does. We also encourage you to join UBT, which is a great way of networking and getting in touch with other trackers: https://www.unitedbloodtrackers.org/…/membership-levels/

I’d like to get a tracking dog, can you recommend a breeder?

As an organization, we do not offer breeder referrals. If you’re looking for a good way to network with other trackers, which may help you find your way to the type of breeder you’re looking for, we suggest becoming a member! https://www.unitedbloodtrackers.org/…/membership-levels/

I’d like to get a tracking dog, what breed should I get?

There are a lot of factors to consider when selecting a breed for blood tracking, and what is a perfect fit for one tracker may be a poor match for someone else. We recommend you read John Jeanneney’s book “Tracking Dogs for Finding Wounded Game,” which includes lengthy discussions of this, and many other topics related to blood tracking. There are also articles and resources available on our website: www.unitedbloodtrackers.org/category/breeds.

I want to become a tracker! How do I get started?

We recommend you begin by reading John Jeanneney’s book “Tracking Dogs for Finding Wounded Game.” There are also several articles and resources available on our website, and John’s book can be purchased on this site as well. Also, we encourage you to join UBT! (https://www.unitedbloodtrackers.org/…/membership-levels/). Membership gives you easy access to our experienced members, providing you with networking and learning opportunities. You’ll gain access to our members-only Facebook page where you can start a new discussion or search old posts for information. You will also be able to have a tracker profile on our Find-a-Tracker page once you are ready to track for others.

How much does it cost to hire a blood tracker to track my large game animal?

This varies substantially depending on location, individual tracker, local regulations, and many other factors. The best thing to do is to contact the trackers in your area and ask them directly. It is always a good idea to get to know your local tracker before they might be needed anyway! You can find contact information for trackers near you on our “Find a Tracker” page: https://www.unitedbloodtrackers.org/find-a-tracker/.

I have questions about a UBT store product or order. Who can I contact?

Contact Marlo Ondrej at 210-288-0553 or [email protected]

I am considering hosting a tracking event featuring UBT testing. Who can I contact for assistance?

Contact Sean Timmens at 608-516-0275 or [email protected].